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Detox Your Liver!

Detox your liver!

I did a quick google search of the word “detox” and was assaulted with the many “detox diets” and trendy pills that promise to fix you right up. Here at Vitality we believe detoxing or refreshing your liver and digestive tract can help you and we want to make sure you have all the tools to do this safely and effectively.

Helping your liver function more efficiently is a great idea and you can accomplish this by adding a few little detoxifying activities to your life. 

Wake up with some lemon! While you’re sleeping your body is working to detoxify your system and can become dehydrated. Wake up to a glass of water with some fresh lemon to add in some enzymes your liver will love while hydrating your cells. Lemon has vitamin C which fights free radicals, strengthening your immune system.

As we discussed previously dine on some green leafy or cruciferous vegetables. They reduce inflammation thus helping your body function better.

Stretch and bend! Some twisting yoga poses can aid in digestion and elimination so adding some time each day can help your body eliminate toxins! (yes we mean poop!)

Soak for some magnesium! Adding epsom salts to your bath help in the detoxification process since you absorb minerals and nutrients while your soaking away the stress of the day! Epsom salts have magnesium which can help with elimination too (there’s that word again!) Make sure to tell Dr. Sherri or Dr. Stephanie if you feel constipated. They will help make sure to address that during your adjustment.

Fall detox program! We are excited to announce this! Sign up by and join our practice (staff and patients!) to detox together.

You can choose either the 3 week or 6 week detox. Both include 9 infared sauna sessions as well as access to a Facebook support group as we detox together. Brooke Negron, our Certified Nutritionist + Massage Therapist will share recipes and ways to eat during the detox. 

We also have an optional weight loss challenge with a cash prize (some of us are very competitive!) 

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